Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials
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A shout out... I did an online class for Cal State San Marcos where I'm a Professor. Everything went beautifully. In fact I had one of the candidates (my teacher candidate) asked me how I was able to get WiFi on my Boat. I was able to say how good and strong the signal has been for me. Just wanted to let you know, things have been looking really good in terms of the service I've been getting from you. Thank you very much.
-Mike Norman
OceanWiFi is a professional company with excellent customer service. The best part of dealing with OceanWiFi  was the fast and friendly approach they have. We were treated so well, we highly recommend their service. OceanWiFi is a local company and it's easy to want to give them business, unlike the other Internet Providers we've dealt with... like At@t and Spectrum.
-Charlie and Cindy Mondole,

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